Surviving infidelity is an awful task to undertake. There is no nice way or positive spin to put on it. Being cheated on hurts more than a hot curling iron sitting on the back of your neck. I have never had my tongue pierced but I think I would opt for it over dealing with infidelity. Now when you throw in dealing with infidelity around Valentine's Day it's like pouring a little hot water on the curling iron sitting on the back of your neck.
OK, I think you get the point.
Dealing with infidelity is difficult and its extra tough when your Valentine
has found someone else to love. It's really important to get the right perspective
when it comes to surviving infidelity. Here are a few tips to help you on this
difficult journey.
Surviving Infidelity
Get Your Mind Right - Finding out
that your partner has cheated on you is like being punched in the head and
dropped to the floor. Your perspective is a little off and your footing is a
little shaky. The stress you encounter when dealing with infidelity can weaken
your mind and your spirit. triptogether To come back
from being challenged with unfaithfulness in your relationship you need time to
If you ever watch a boxer get off
the canvas after being knocked down you see either one of two responses. One
boxer takes it slow until the mind and body are in sync and functioning normal.
The other person jumps off the canvas and comes out swinging and because the
mind and body are out of sync, gets knocked out.
When you are trying to survive
infidelity it's not a quick fix that's needed. You need to take your time to
understand the following;
Why did it happen?
How to prevent a recurrence?
How to have the best relationship
possible, after an affair?
Surviving Infidelity
Get Your Heart Right - Its one
thing to gain insight and perspective concerning infidelity, as insight is
needed. However, it's another thing to learn how to heal your broken heart. You
can say all of the right things as you recover from infidelity. But if your
heart has not been
Reviews healed yet your insight, thoughts and words will be useless
in fixing your relationship.
Your heart needs to feel like it's
working again. When you learned of the infidelity the love for your partner
drained quickly from your heart. There is still some love there otherwise you
would care less about trying to fix your relationship. But now it will take
time to build back up the love.
The first step is to stop the love
from draining out. As it relates to your broken heart, the affair must be truly
ended for healing to begin. Then you need to take the additional steps to get
your mind and your heart right, to really survive infidelity.
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