You Will Not Believe Why Husbands Cheat And Lie

Why husbands cheat and lie is a mystery to some woman but I don't think it's that complicated. There are many reasons why men cheat and lie but I will focus on just a few of them. Men cheat because they believe they are smart enough to get away with it. Men lie because they get caught cheating and try to cover up their infidelity.


OK, in a nutshell that's it. Unfortunately once you dig a little deeper into the male DNA there is a little bit more beneath the surface. A cheating husband is like an onion turning rotten. The more you peel back the layers the more rotten you find on the inside. I'm not talking about all men, just the cheating ones.


Why Do Husbands Cheat And Lie


If you ask a cheating husband why he cheated you will hear one of the following responses;


I didn't feel loved at home anymore

My wife was no longer satisfying my needs

I fell in-love with my lover

I couldn't stop myself

I was seduced

It just happened

I was mad at my wife

My lover paid attention to me and made me feel important

My job was stressing me out

The list of reasons or excuses goes on and on. What you will find is that more than not the husband who cheats blames either triptogether his wife or his lover but rarely takes responsibility for the infidelity. Ideally the cheating husband will get his wife to accept some or all of the blame for his cheating. Believe it or not some women fall for that strategy and the husband gets a second chance to break his wife's heart all over again.


There are varying levels of cheating. Many wives are struggling these days trying to figure out why husbands cheat emotionally or why husbands cheat online.


Why Husbands Cheat Emotionally - Very often husbands will find someone who they believe gets them. All it takes is for some good-looking woman to laugh at his corny jokes or tell him how nice he looks or how good he smells. Once he hears those compliments every negative interaction he has with his wife causes him to appreciate the sweet woman Reviews who has kind words for him.


It will not take him long to start dumping his negative feelings and thoughts about his wife on his new found female booster. Before you know it he is involved in an emotional affair.


Why Husbands Cheat Online - For one, a husband who is cheating online believes that he can do so without being caught. Second, he probably doesn't see anything wrong with cheating online as long as it doesn't turn into something more serious.


I'm sure you know that cheating and lying go hand in hand. Every cheating husband is a liar. It doesn't matter if he is involved in a physical or emotional relationship. He is a cheater and a liar, by default.


If you are concerned about infidelity in your marriage, you need to resolve it as soon as possible. The more time your husband is involved with someone else the easier it will be for him to think his affair is what's best for him. You need to fix your relationship issues now before it is too late.

