Is He Turned Off by Your Success?


Are you a strong, successful woman who is happy with her life and career to this point?Are you single and concerned that your success is making men less interested in you?The hard truth for you is as follows:Successful women do indeed intimidate men.However, you must realize that those are not the men you should be hanging out with.

Because they are self-assured, independent, and do not require a man's assistance, successful women typically frighten weaker men.Men are naturally Reviews caretakers who want to take care of their loved ones, including their female partners.He may lose interest if you don't give him a chance to care for you because he will think you don't need him.

In fact, there are times when all you need to do is let him care for you.He will have the opportunity to step up and reclaim his masculinity by rescuing you at times if you show weakness.The thing is, doing so doesn't necessitate giving up any of your actual success.Isn't that how you feel?All of us are.Allow him to serve as your emotional support system.Inform him that you occasionally require a good cuddle or someone to discuss ideas with.As a result, he won't feel threatened by your success in your career or in other areas of your life and will feel more useful and needed.

However, it's time to get rid of him if he can't handle the fact that you have a better job or make more money than him.A man who truly cares about you Chinalove and women will be able to realize that he can be more than just a financial support system for you.He should be aware that he is capable of supporting you even if he is not your financial provider.

You should be able to appreciate and support your success, and any man who is worth his salt should be able to encourage you when you become even more successful.It sounds like he has a lot more internal issues that he needs to deal with before he should even be in a relationship at all if he thinks he needs to hurt you to feel better about himself.Find someone who values you for  who you are and what you've accomplished and move on.
