It's a terrible feeling to be "rejected."
However, as you will soon discover, this is a myth.In point of fact, it is almost impossible for anyone to reject anyone else.
It's just an odd hallucination brought on by primitive thinking.
Consider the most recent time "you" were "rejected" by a girl.
How much time passed between you and her Reviews before she "rejected" you?Five seconds?Ten seconds?
She would need to have some pretty amazing skills in order to "reject" you in those five or ten minutes for her to accept the "rejection" theory.
Understanding your entire history, complex system of beliefs and experiences, as well as your hopes and dreams, is like looking inside your brain.
I doubt even YOU are aware of those.
So, really, did she "reject" you?
So, what took place?
She is a person.Additionally, every human being has buttons.If you push them in a certain order, certain outcomes will occur.
We'll kick if a rubber hammer hits our knee.We will gag if dog poop is thrown in front of us.We will instinctively cover up if you show us a video of a man being hammered in the nuts.
As I'm sure you already know, attraction is definitely not a choice.
This indicates that when you properly push her buttons, she cannot help but feel drawn to you.Similar to how she can't help but "reject" you if you push her buttons too hard.or less than the proper method.
Do you feel "rejected" if you go to the ATM and enter Chinalove the wrong PIN by accident?
Do you feel "rejected" by geography if you get lost while driving?
Do you feel "rejected" by the rim if you attempt to shoot free throws on your own and miss?
Obviously not.You see it as it really is.You need to do certain things in the right order to be "successful."You can't fail if you do those things in a particular order.
Why do we react differently when we talk to women who are sexually appealing?
because it would appear that there is a lot at stake.In point of fact, it's like a stock market player's utopia.
How so?
There are a lot of potential benefits, but almost no risk.
You approach, attempt to "push her buttons" in the right combination, establish rapport, and break the ice.
If you win the jackpot, well, congratulations!
If you don't, you won't be in any worse shape than you were when you started.In fact, if you are sincere with yourself, even when you are "rejected," you gain a lot of confidence for initiating the conversation in the first place.
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