How Online Infidelity Is Ruining Your Relationship And What You Can Do About It

Nothing happens by surprise. Marital infidelity is preceded by a series of seemingly minor events, that slowly preys on the strength of the relationship eventually leading to its total collapse.


A famous person once quoted that "each partner who is tempted by his own desires attract and seduce you. These desires, once conceived, give birth to sin, and this, once grown, brings forth death".


The danger behind the number of hours spent in front of the computer chatting with strangers is that it slowly attracts us to this other person online and have feelings for them because they listen and talk long hours, be it few times a week or every day to the extent that they become our obsessions and fascinations.


What started as an innocent banter or chat gradually becomes a necessity in our lives so much that we question our partner, our family and our relationship to invoke an adventure that we seems to be missing with the current partner or spouse.


When looking for a consolation, we have the Internet where we find a former love, or perhaps the first love. Our longing would review  then go afloat and we begin to compare this relationship to the one we have at home.


In some other cases the relationships are with strangers, with whom we start to have genuine feelings with and become attracted emotionally and even physically in due course of time.


These are warning signals that could indicate a problem.


Of course, you should never draw conclusions DilMil without knowing for sure but still these would be helpful signs to watch out for red flags.


1. Changes in the hours of sleep. Sleep late or wake up earlier than usual or necessary.


2. Requires privacy. Especially when at the computer. Changes the password and keeps secrets.


3. Ignores their duties. He no longer has the time to mow the lawn and she spends less time with children at bedtime. However they have enough time to spend in front of the computer.


4. Frequent lies.


5. Suffers a personality change. If he used to be cheerful, now he suddenly becomes cold.


6. Loses interest in sex. When a person loses interest in sex with his partner, chances are he is having a cyber affair, either in person or only virtually.


7. Invests less time and emotions in your partner. Ignores family rituals, such as sharing a bubble bath or talk after dinner. This could be because someone else is 'filling' in the emotional space.


On the other hand, there are 7 suggested actions that aim to prevent infidelity and to protect the marital relationship:


1. Choose wisely: Do not spend unnecessary time with someone of the opposite sex.


2. Share wisely: If one day you realize that someone is sharing secrets and intimacies about you and your marriage, that's a red flag. An emotional affair with someone can damage a relationship.


3. Seek to be in public: If you need to spend time with a person of the opposite sex, then be with them in public or a common friend. By doing this, you are more likely to do what is proper and best for you and your relationship.


4. Increase the investment of time at home: Strong marriages are achieved by spending time together, laughing together, playing together. If you are not spending enough time with your partner or spouse, make that a priority.


5. Pay attention to what you think: If you spend all day along thinking of all the positive attributes of this new found love and the negative attributes of the partner or spouse at home, you are more likely to have an affair.


Instead focus on the positive attributes of your partner and list down what made your partner or spouse attractive to you in the first place.


Work on reigniting the passion and romance in your relationship.


6. Do not compare: We all have bad habits, quirks and errors. It's very unfair and dangerous to compare your spouse with a new acquaintance, because at the end of the day your partner is the one doing all the hard work- changing diapers, cleaning the house, doing the laundry etc.


7. Seek Help: Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Seek help from someone who is willing such as a Christian family therapist, a good counselor, etc.


They will give you a valuable perspective to develop new strategies to protect, defend or rebuild your marriage.


What To Do If Your Partner Is Having An Affair?


Time To Act: Enough is enough.


Stop being the victim, stop living in self-denial, stop living in pain, stop living in agony and stop living in self-pity.


Be bold and take the first step in confronting the truth even if the truth is ugly and not what you want to know.


Now is the time for you to act. Whether you want to confirm your fears or catch your partner or spouse cheating on you with evidence, I can help you.

